Terms of Service

First and foremost thank you for choosing Paradeis Car Care. We aim to provide you with great customer service and the best possible outcome to your detail. When you book your appointment with Paradeis Car Care, please be sure to read and agree to the terms of service listed below.

I authorize that Paradeis Car Care is allowed to work on my vehicle and complete the detail services requested. I release Paradeis Car Care from any liability of damage to my vehicle/property during or before the detail is finished that is not caused by complete negligence. 

Removal of Personal Belongings

Before we arrive, we ask that you please remove all loose items. For the safety of your child we do not remove or install car seats. 

Damaged Car Interior

If the car’s interior has not been cared for in a long period of time complete restoration may not be possible. Buttons/Switches can have too much grime/dirt where agitation may cause damage. Also for exterior, sap or bugs can possibly damage the paint in the removal process. Very dirty cars can sometimes be damaged with detailing; please be sure your car is able to handle it.  Headliner Stains in the headliner may not be able to be completely removed. Headliners are very delicate and the glue that holds it together can become undone easily.

Time Estimate

We like to honor the job as quoted based on description or pictures sent to us. However, certain jobs may take longer depending on condition of the vehicle (specially if the vehicle has never been detailed) and extra fees may apply. 

Fuel Level

Vehicles must have at least 1/4 of a tank full. We turn on vehicles to deep clean steering wheel and to deep clean stick shift. 

Safety Hazards

For the safety of you and everyone else, we ask that you maintain a safe distance due to safety hazards i.e. slippery surfaces or cords that may cause trip accidents.

Air Drying

Interior may need to be air dried (you must leave the windows cracked for the drying process to take effect) if shampooing/extraction was done to upholstery, carpets or mats.

Rescheduling Appointments

If there is inclement weather or we have problems with our equipment, we may need to reschedule. Our equipment/products will not work properly if there are freezing temperatures.

Pre-Existing Car Damage

I agree that Paradeis Car Care will not be liable for any pre-existing issues on the vehicle, including but not limited to ,damage on the car’s body. We will keep note of any damages and pictures are taken before/after but they may not capture all damages.

Usage/Taking of Pictures

You agree to allow us to take before/after photos of your vehicle that may or may not be used for our website. License plates will be blacked out and no pictures will be used that contain any personal information. 

Right to Refuse

We reserve the right to refuse service for any reasonable justification.

Dead Battery

We are not liable for a dead battery during or after the detail. We do try our best to turn on the vehicle every now and then to avoid such issue. 

Approval to Be on Property

Please be sure that we’re allowed to be on the premises. This includes places such as apartment complexes or businesses. 

Detail Risk

When using any chemicals there is always a risk. You agree that you release us from any liability that could come from said products.  

Finished Detail & Payment

We will only take payment once you’re completely satisfied with the job entailed.

After the Job is Done

After the detail is finished, if you are not completely satisfied with the outcome, please reach out to us. We are more than reasonable and are very big on customer service. We want all of our clients to be satisfied and happy!  

Once again, thanks for choosing Paradeis Car Care, we appreciate your business.